3in1 for modded textforecast, hour-by-hour-forecast, V.5.1 (June 2014) Licence: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Works also outside Europe but accurazy of YR-data in the comaparisation may vary. Due to the modules used in this script are COMMERCIAL USE STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. As the script are managed on my spare time are the script provided "as it is" and users of the script should NOT EXPECT ANY KIND OF SUPPORT FOR THE SCRIPT. Feel free to contact me, but be warned, the answers can take time or not be provided at all. I accept no liability for any damages that may ensue from the usage. You will need to configure it for your own particular weather station website. If you find one or more of my scripts useful to you, please consider making a donation to help offset the routine expenses of operation of this website. Thanks for your kind support! Update 06/2014 - Updated to Highcharts 4.0 - Updated the graph to look more like meteogram Update 04/2014 - Switched the icons to use SVG - No need for separate US-csssprite anymore - Fully configurable when windicon switches to orange/red - remember to update your config with the 2 new variables! Update 07/2013 - Requires WXSIM 12.10 - Moved over the timestamps to the new timestamp in lastret.txt - Switched windchill and heatindex to Apparent temperature. - Humidity needs to be enabled WRET, see updated wret.png Update 03/2013¨ - Updated to Highcharts 3.0 Beta - Removed jQuery UI - Reamp of wxall.lastret.php - Design-facelift - NEW! Comparisation-graph between WXSIM, YR.NO, FMI (Finland) and Meteoconsult (Netherlands). See below: * remember to set the cachefolder and chmod it to 0777. * see wxall.settings.php for the settings YR: - Works based on coordinates set in wxall.settings.php FMI: (Finland) - Finnish metoffice FMI ae going to open their datas and have a Beta of this runnng. - Only Finnnish locations - API-key needs to be obtained from their site at some point. For now works their Beta-key. - Due to beta, it can stop working at any point Meteoconsult: (Netherlands) - When you are a member of Het weer actueel (HWA) this is possible. - In the HWA memberarea you can find de ID number and your Key to use the Meteoconsult forecast. More comparisations may come later when European metoffices opens their datas. ******************************************************************************************************* * HOW TO SETUP * ******************************************************************************************************* 1. You need to setup WXSIM to create plaintext.txt & lastret.txt and upload them. 2. Choose values seen choosen in attached wret.png in WRET to be plotted in lastret.txt - Horizontal Visibility are now needed - Remember to choose also "Put convective parameters in lastret" 3. Check the settings in wxall.settings.php 4. Add the new stuff from plaintext.lang.txt to your plaintext-parser-lang-xx.txt and translate them (you may want to finetune the other words/sentenses too) 5. Upload the stuff except README.txt, plaintext.lang.txt, plaintext-parser-lang.fi.txt, wret.png. 6. To implent on page, see below ******************************************************************************************************* * UNIT-SETTINGS * ******************************************************************************************************* IN wxall.settings.php are $uoms with units. Theese should match the units used in lastret.txt. It detects automatically if US-units (F,in,mph) are used. ******************************************************************************************************** * DIFFERENT PREDEFINED SETS * ******************************************************************************************************** 3in1 comes now with 3 predefined sets to show on the page; topforecast, graph and tabs. Theese can be used stand-alone or together, with one exception, standalone-graph and tabs with graph active can NOT be used on same page. Also a standalone box with updatetime + next update are defined. Beside on that are many of the old $WXSIMvariable[$i] still avalilable. On every page where 3in1 are used are this needed in header inside and : In put where you want to show up: '.get_lang("WXSIM Forecast for:").' '.$WXSIMcity.''; # Theese can be used stand alone or together echo $wxsimtop; # "Top-forecast" echo $wxsimgraph; # Graph echo $wxsimmain; # Tabs ?> You can use sivu2.php as model and testpage ################################################################################################################# IMPORTANT: CREDITS: Credits goes especially to Ken True for his original plaintext-parser, without that should not our forecast-pages look like they do today :) That's it.